- 3D-Druck
- 3D-Laserscanning
- 3D-Simulation
- Affective Computing
- Agrarroboter
- Aktoren
- Algorithmic Decision Making
- Ambient Assisted Living
- Audio-Mining-Systeme
- Augmented Analytics
- Augmented Reality
- Automatische Identifizierung
- Autonome Transportsysteme
- Blockchain
- Chatbots
- Co-Browsing
- Collaborative Robots
- Colocation
- Connected Buildings
- Connected Cars
- Connected Living
- Data Driven Marketing
- Data Lake
- Data Warehouse
- Datenjournalismus
- DevOps-Tools
- Digital-Asset-Management
- Digitaler Produktpass
- Digitales Dokumentenmanagement
- Digitales Storytelling
- Distributed Filesystem
- Drohnentechnik
- Echtzeitdatensysteme
- Edge Computing
- Elektronische Patientenakte
- Elektronische Pflegedokumentation
- Embedded-Insurance-Systeme
- Embedded Systems
- Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systeme
- European Train Control System
- Exoskelette
- Farm-Management-Systeme
- Firewall as a Service
- Forst-Management-Systeme
- Fraud Detection
- Game Based Learning
- Gefahren-Management-Systeme
- Geoinformationssysteme
- Identity- and Access-Management-Systeme
- Inbound
- In-Memory Computing
- IoT-Plattformen
- KI-gestütztes Fahrplanmanagement
- KI-gestütztes Wissensmanagement
- KI-Plattformen (as a Service)
- KI-Programmierassistenten
- Krankenhausinformationssysteme
- Lidar-Technologien
- Lizenz-Management-Systeme
- Machine Learning
- Maschinendatenerfassung
- Material Flow Control System
- Materialflussroboter
- Messenger Marketing
- Mikroelektronik
- Mobilitätsplattformen
- Narrow-Band-IoT
- Outbound
- Photonik
- Predictive Maintenance
- Process Mining
- Robo-Advisor
- Robotic Process Automation
- Security Automation
- Sensorik
- Serverless Computing
- Smart Contract
- Smarte Verpackungen
- Smart Hospitality
- Smart Metering
- Smart Spraying
- Social Customer Relationship Management
- Social Media Analytics
- Software-definiertes Wide Area Networking
- Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung
- Teilbreitenschaltung
- Text Mining
- User and Entity Behavior Analytics
- Virtuelle Callcenter
- Virtuelle Kraftwerke
- Virtuelles Training
- Wearable Technology